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Recommended Printers
Virtual Doxx Recommended Printers Virtual Labels can be used with any ink-jet or color laser printer that works with your PC.

We have successfully tested our blank labels with a variety of printers. But you should test the printer you plan to use by printing some sample labels.

NOTE: On Color Laser printers, partially used label sheets, with a few labels remaining, can NOT be run through the printer a second time. Laser printers are very hot internally and any adhesive residue remaining where a label has been peeled off will gum up the paper path. By contrast, Ink-jet printers do not have this problem because they run cool.

One printer - the Ricoh Aficio G700 GelSprinter - is perfect for printing color strip labels, with unique features that are important for long-term retention and management of file folder records:

See the Ricoh web site for details


Ricoh G500 GelSprinter

Last Updated: March 5, 2006
Copyright © 2006 Virtual Doxx, LLC